Guía para docentes del espectáculo "En Tierra de Nadie"
With this production, the DA.TE Danza Company aims toreflect on the problems and different experiences surrounding human rights, migratory flows and cultural diversity . Approached through dance and with a very clear narrative, the careful staging (which highlights an exciting choreography, interpretation, musical composition and enveloping lighting designs) that manage to create universes throughout the different scenes and situations through which our story takes place.
At the end of the play, all attendees are invited to participate in a debate and colloquium, expressing total freedom to express themselves.
The objective of this guide for teachers is to facilitate their work as mediators with the students, taking responsibility for the elaboration of the pedagogical activities of the show, such as the appreciation of dance as a performing art and the investigation and deepening of human rights.
Pedagogical guide
- Encourage and develop a taste for the performing arts by attending the show as an audience.
- To know the artistic discipline of contemporary dance.
- Identification of local and global problems derived from the current development model.
- Development of empathy and shared awareness of our fellow human beings and our world.
- Development of awareness of interdependence and co-responsibility.
- Ability to work in teams and develop cooperative skills that pave the way for inclusion and non-discriminatory social attitudes.
- Develop personal judgments and/or criteria through critical analysis.
- Value the contribution that art can make to the social and intellectual development of people.
- Develop attitudes of interest, appreciation and respect towards different cultures and cultural diversity.
Tienes en tus manos el material pedagógico elaborado para que la asistencia al teatro con tus alumnos y alumnas se convierta en un momento significativo de la vida del aula y contribuya a la sensibilización artística de los niños, niñas y jóvenes. Para ello y como base deberás utilizar con el alumnado la Guía y Material Pedagógico del Espectáculo «En Tierra de Nadie»
- We recommend that you do an oral reading with your students about the indications prior to attending a theater performance.
- You can visit the Company's website and learn about its history, where it comes from, what year it was founded, what awards it has won, etc.
- Finally, it is ideal that you collectively read the synopsis of the show and even watch the teaser of the show to generate interest in the students. The audiovisual language is much closer to the media with which they are in contact.
Ve un paso más allá...
The impact session initiates the interest of the show in the schools. The objective is to present the show to the students and create an urgency, i.e. the need to know more about it, to encourage their involvement, and to motivate them with a novel activity in terms of format and content.
Description of the activity and dynamics:
Today a suitcase appears on a classroom table. You can start by commenting as a group on the meaning that a suitcase can have (what it is used for, what it symbolizes, what it can contain inside...), try to abandon the normal meaning and take it to a more symbolic or poetic point. After the reflection, ask some of the students to open it for the rest of the class and take out its contents (they will find personal objects and some written papers).
El documento se titula «Bitácora migrante» consta de 22 páginas, divididos en 8 capítulos relacionados con nuestra historia. Realiza una división equitativa de alumnos/as en 7 grupos, y que cada grupo lea su capítulo asignado.
Después de leerlo, cada grupo describirá en orden numérico y de forma breve que narraba su capítulo. Por último comentar que es «Bitácora Migrante» (Quien creéis que es el personaje, que hace, cuales son los motivos que lo/a llevan a migrar, que encuentra, que similitudes veis con la realidad, etc).
Al finalizar la reflexión y como cierre a la actividad, puedes leer una carta de la compañía y comunicar al grupo de alumnos/as que pronto iréis al teatro a ver el espectáculo «En Tierra de Nadie».
Materials necessary for its realization:
- To develop this unit we suggest that you get a suitcase (preferably in briefcase format and as old and damaged as possible).
- Inside, he put items such as shoes, some clothes and the document "Bitácora Migrante" (Migrant's Logbook).
- "Bitácora Migrante" corresponds to the text of the dramaturgy of the show which is written by Lola Fernández de Sevilla. You can download it here
Estamos preparando un viaje para ver el espectáculo pero es importante que nuestro alumnado conozca su temática central. Estos bloques se han abordado a través de la temática conductora que los integra; la realidad de las personas migrantes. Si emigrar significa desplazarse desde el lugar de origen para iniciar un nuevo proyecto de vida en un nuevo espacio. Puedes encontrarlo en la sección Guía y Material Pedagógico del Espectáculo «En Tierra de Nadie»
- This content can be done prior to attending the show or afterwards. From the Company we recommend to do it previously so that the students attend with more information and sensibility acquired about the subject that concerns us.
- Using the three didactic units that we have developed; Human Rights, Migration and Cultural Diversity, each student can access educational information on the different topics individually or in groups.
- In addition, at the end of each unit they will have a test to check if they have assimilated the concepts mentioned above.
- There is complementary information to expand on the different Didactic Units.
- You can conclude this block with a sharing of the concepts and knowledge learned, as well as reflecting on different situations that we live in everyday life.
It's time to see...
We've been to the show, now what? We leave you with multiple options/ways to go.
- Reflect orally with your group of students about the show. Here are a few that may inspire you.
- Did you enjoy the show?
- Have you understood the story and its ending?
- Have you empathized with the characters?
- What do you think of the theme and do you see any similarity with reality?
- What creative element did you like the most? The performers, the music, the scenography, the lighting?
- How would you rate the experience of going to a theater?
- Explore with them inside the show. Go deep into their creative process thanks to our section included in the Guide and Pedagogical Material of the Show "In No Man's Land".. Read the creative process and watch the creative process to understand the magnitude of the work behind the creation of a dance show.
- Finally, we would like both the teaching team in charge of developing this activity and this guide and material, as well as the students attending, to participate in the evaluation survey of the show in its different modalities.
Ve un paso más allá...
En la última sección de la Guía y Material Pedagógico del Espectáculo «En Tierra de Nadie» puedes encontrar las instrucciones para realizar junto a tus alumnos/as una Gymkana titulada «El Viaje de una Persona Migrante».
In this section you will find all the information to carry out this additional activity.